Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Assos (Behramkale)

Day Six

*sigh* It is already my last day in Canakkale, Turkey. Boy time sure does fly, I don't want to leave. Hehe, Acelya and I had a joke that she was going to make me her niece and I could stay forever. But alas, all good things must draw to a close.

I spent my last day(besides hanging in the pool) in Assos. Though an ancient Aeolian city, it wouldn't until the late 1980's that it made its mark as a tourist location. Leaning on a rocky hillside, the city is set above the charming, unspoiled fishing village of Behramkale. Far away from the maddening crowd, Acelya and I spent our last hours together shopping and taking pictures for her photo album. Assos has this certain vintage charm about it, almost no English is spoken here and all the signs are in Turkic.

Oh, no! I'm gonna miss my plane to Sicily! Acelya can turn in the rental car for me, I hope. As I left to climb aboard the plane, I found a note in my pocket saying, " Thank you for givig Canakkale a chance, did you know that that the city's name means "pot fortress"?(
Now you have a tidbit of info for your American buddies at home. Iyi şanslar*, Acelya Benefse."

* Note- Iyi sanslar is Turkish for 'good luck'.

1 comment:

  1. What I like about your blog most is your writing. It reads like an actual travel blog. Where did you get the name of your translator? All throughout this blog, there are neat little details that allow it to ring true. Well done!

    Mr. M.
